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Regina's approach towards teaching is driven by two guiding principles: her background in physical therapy and her belief in process. All movement is approached to create alignment and balance in the body. To Regina, the end goal is not as important as what you learn on the journey. She is a skilled interpreter of the language of the body, so instead of following a rigid instructional road map, she pays attention to your body and addresses unanticipated things that may arise during the session. For example, not all instructors might know that someone with really tight hips might benefit from hula-hooping. Regina identifies your particular physical needs and and tailors her instruction accordingly. 

Regina maintains a studio where she teaches, but  she is also available to come to you in your home

Most courses run for six weeks and are paid in advance. Contact Regina for available dates and prices.


Regina teaches gentle, therapeutic yoga. She works equally well with people who have a full range of motion, or a limited range of motion due to physical issues.  All classes include Asana (poses), Pranayama (the breath) and relaxation (meditation). As the class progresses, modifications are made just for you and any needs you may have.


Juggling is not only fun, it promotes brain health, improves left and right coordination, and can be used as a form of meditation. Within a few sessions, Regina will have you juggling scarves, balls, rings, and ultimately clubs.


This course departs from pre-concieved notions about  hooping. With Regina, the hoop is used around the various parts body (not just the waist), and off the body, as a prop. She teaches a form of Hoop Asana, where the group develops a dance together by focusing on the individual skills and components that create the whole. 


Regina teaches trapeze (metal bar), lyra (metal hoops), and silk ribbons, focusing on alignment and safety. Students first strengthen  their bodies by conditioning their shoulder joints and core to prevent injury. Next comes the basic vocabulary of aerials:  poses, transitions and tricks. Finally, students engage in character building: creating  a unique expression of self.


Regina is also certified to teach aerial yoga and there There is  an element of this in all of her classes.


Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that allows you  to achieve your intentions by developing a relationship with your physical body, your sensory body and your emotional body. As your understanding of these three elements deepens, so does your sense of well-being, because you are better able to adapt to the contant change in your life. Yoga Nidra opens you up to new choices, possibilitites and ways of moving forward. 





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